10 – 30 secs intervals
Imagine yourself on a flat track but apply that energy to a hill. Propel yourself forward with forceful strides, lifting your knees high and driving your arms with intensity. Quick foot turnover is your secret weapon here.
Your training ground – a hill with a gradient of between 4% and 8%. After each burst of effort, ensure you take an unhurried jog or walk back down. The key is full recovery before you begin the next climb.
Consider this your alternative to a gym workout. It’s an invitation to unleash the power in your legs – comparable to a max deadlift. This workout is designed to tap into your Central Nervous System (CNS), compelling your body to recruit more of the existing muscle fibres for the task.
Our goal with these sessions is power generation. When your power surges, your longer runs become faster, yet feel more effortless. Furthermore, these workouts serve as effective conditioning for your legs, preparing them for extended speed sessions on the track later in your training program.
Keep in mind, initiating speed work can expose you to the risk of hamstring injuries. However, uphill running is your safeguard, as it naturally encourages a shortened stride to protect your hamstrings. For trail runners, these hill intervals stand as a potent training tool to develop unparalleled power.