A 1 rep max is the absolute heaviest weight you are able to push or pull. Knowing your 1 rep max will help you get the best out of your maximum strength workouts.

  • Multiple the number of repetitions you can perform on an exercise to failure by 2.5, for example, a load you can lift 10 times
  • Subtract that number from 100 to determine the percentage of your 1RM
  • Divide the above number by 100 to get a decimal value
  • Divide the weight you lifted by the decimal value to get your estimated 1RM


You deadlift 60 kg 10 times

10 x 2.5 = 25

100 – 25 = 75

75 / 100 = .75

Estimated 1RM for the Deadlift = 60/.75 = 80 kg 1RM