It’s unfortunate but our Ironman plans have been put on hold for 2015. Life happens and sometimes things go awry. We’re big enough to acknowledge that but we will be back sometime in the future.
In the meantime I have decided to use the opportunity to take on a couple of other challenges that have been on my bucket list for a while.
SkyRun is a 100km mountain wilderness run, most of it above 2000m(6500 feet). The route is unmarked, self navigated and self supported. Marshalling points en-route provide a small level of safety and can assist in getting runners to safety if conditions get very bad. The race is on 22 November which leaves a little over 3 months to prepare.
My second challenge is more of a lifestyle change. I have been vegetarian for a little more than 3 years and I go through patches of being vegan. I will be following a strictly vegan diet until SkyRun is over because I believe that it will help me in a number of ways.
- I will be lighter
- Recovery times will be quicker
- Diet is more nutrient rich
I will post my training plans and diet shortly and I will do regular update summaries of my training as I progress.