KISS in Running Training

Running is fundamentally simple – it’s all about one foot after the other. This basic movement connects us with the earth and our breathing, a celebration of our natural ability to move. In my years as a coach at Mindful Runner, I’ve witnessed countless trends and flashy techniques. Yet, the enduring truth of running always shines through: it might often feel monotonous, but its beauty and strength lie in that very simplicity.

Busting the Complexity Myth

Many think complexity equals sophistication, but in coaching, our goal is to distill the intricate process of building a runner’s fitness into simple principles. I’ve always been wary of overly complex solutions. To me, the hallmark of true expertise is the ability to explain complex concepts in simple, understandable terms. When someone says ‘it’s complicated,’ I tend to be skeptical, as it often masks a less truthful explanation.

Yes, the human body is complex, but a skilled coach crafts simple, focused workouts that directly address what’s needed for the desired physical response. Using complexity as a marker of quality is a misconception. In reality, effective running training thrives on simplicity.

Run a Lot, Sometimes Fast

Running performance boils down to two basic practices: running regularly and incorporating speed work. Elite runners don’t rely on complicated routines. Instead, they stick to a few key types of runs all year round: endurance runs for stamina, threshold runs to improve pace, intervals for speed, hill repeats for strength, and recovery runs for rest and repair. These fundamental workouts target the specific physical and mental aspects of running, boosting endurance, speed, and resilience.

To enhance these qualities, there are some simple guidelines to follow. Start by focusing on your ability to sustain a consistent pace. It’s more effective to run for 30 minutes a day, four days a week, than to cram your running into two one-hour sessions. Begin by increasing how often you run, aiming for as many days as you can manage. Then, gradually extend the duration of your runs. Once you’ve built a strong base, shift your focus to developing speed and strength. Remember, about 80% of your results will come from simply running a lot. The other 20%, where you focus on becoming faster and stronger, is what will propel you from the middle of the pack to the front. But the foundation always remains the same: run a lot.

The Elegance of Simplicity in Training

Every workout serves a specific purpose in your overall training plan, akin to a piece of a puzzle fitting into a larger picture. Simplicity in these plans, much like the concise nature of a haiku, is often key to their effectiveness.

This concept becomes particularly evident with endurance runs. While the temptation to spice up these runs with faster intervals for excitement is understandable, it can actually undermine their fundamental goal. Endurance runs are designed to improve your ability to sustain effort over long periods, enhance fat utilization for fuel, and build mental resilience in the face of monotony. By introducing faster, more exciting elements, you inadvertently shift the workout’s focus, turning an endurance run into something else entirely. This deviation, though seemingly more complex and engaging, misses the core objective of the run. The true challenge and benefit of an endurance run lie in embracing its simplicity and the specific adaptations it fosters. Adding complexity for the sake of excitement can result in missing out on these crucial benefits.

Despite different training methods, coaches worldwide agree on some core principles: consistency, progressive overload, specificity, and recovery. These are the foundation of any successful running program.

Simple but Purposeful

In the realm of running, the most effective training plans are those that are streamlined and tailored to the runner’s individual needs. These plans progress logically, offering structure and clarity rather than chaos. This organized approach demonstrates the power of a clear, straightforward training strategy. As runners and coaches, embracing this simplicity allows us to embark on a training journey that is both focused and dedicated.

A key aspect of this focused approach involves thinking in terms of training energy systems and understanding which systems are being trained with each workout. For example, when considering intervals aimed at improving VO2Max, it’s important to recognize that intervals longer than 4 minutes at maximum effort begin to shift into training the lactate threshold system. Similarly, intervals extending beyond 40 minutes are likely to engage primarily the aerobic energy system. This understanding is crucial for designing workouts that precisely target the desired adaptations.

At the core of effective training are simple, purposeful workouts. It’s not about complexity or overloading with variety, but rather about choosing key workouts that directly contribute to the runner’s goals. Each element of the training plan should serve a specific purpose, aligning with the broader objectives and the specific energy systems being targeted. By focusing on what truly matters and understanding the physiological impacts of each workout, we create a training regimen that is not just easy to understand and follow but also remarkably effective in its results.

Consistency Matters More Than Individual Workouts

It’s important to remember that no single workout defines success. It’s the regular accumulation of runs over time that leads to excellence. Missing a workout is just a small bump in the larger journey. Consistent training is what shapes a runner’s success.

In our quest for personal achievements and the satisfaction of overcoming challenges, we recognize that true success isn’t created overnight or in a single workout. It’s cultivated through a consistent, joyful commitment to running. The real value lies not only in the miles we cover but also in the joy we find along the way – the smiles, the sights and sounds, and the rhythm of our progress.

At Mindful Runner, we’re dedicated to fostering a love for running. We believe that when you cherish the journey, each step becomes a triumph. With every stride, we evolve. We don’t just grow faster and stronger; we deepen our connection with the run, with nature, and with ourselves.

These articles are penned by certified coaches and encapsulate the same advice and training strategies imparted to our athletes on a daily basis. Rooted in scientific evidence yet seasoned with decades of practical experience, the guidance offered is designed to be both reliable and immediately actionable for runners of all levels.