Welcome, runners! Today, we’re diving into the concept of Lactate Threshold (LT)—a crucial metric that can significantly impact your running performance. Let’s explore what it is, why it matters, and how you can improve it.
What is Lactate Threshold?
Lactate Threshold refers to the exercise intensity at which lactate starts to accumulate in your bloodstream faster than your body can remove it. In simpler terms, it’s the point at which your muscles start to fatigue and you feel that burning sensation.
What Does LT Mean for Training?
For training purposes, the pace at which your LT occurs is often the fastest pace you can sustain for a period ranging from 40 minutes to 1 hour. The exact duration can vary based on your level of fitness and running experience. This is a “comfortably hard” pace, where you can maintain it for an extended period but would find it challenging to hold a conversation.
Why is Lactate Threshold Important?
Understanding your LT is vital for distance running. It’s a key indicator of your endurance capabilities and can help you determine the pace you can sustain over longer distances without fatiguing.
LT is a More Practical Measure Than Max HR
While both Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR) and Lactate Threshold (LT) can be personalized through testing, LT offers several advantages that make it a more practical and informative metric for distance runners.
- Less Stressful Testing: An LT test is generally less physically and mentally taxing than a Max HR test, making it more accessible and less intimidating for many athletes.
- Dynamic Feedback: LT can change based on your training, providing a dynamic measure of your current fitness level. Regular LT testing can show if your training is moving in the right direction, offering actionable insights for adjustments.
- Static Nature of Max HR: While Max HR can slightly change with age, it remains relatively static, offering less actionable information for training adjustments.
The Genetic Component and Its Limits
While VO2Max has a genetic ceiling, most non-professional athletes never reach their full potential in this area. LT is often the most crucial measure for distance runners, but it’s limited by your VO2Max. As you approach 85-90% of your VO2Max, further LT training yields diminishing returns. At this point, it’s beneficial to shift focus back to improving your VO2Max, creating a virtuous cycle of improvement.
How is Lactate Threshold Measured?
LT can be measured through lab tests involving incremental exercise tests while monitoring lactate levels. However, field tests like time trials can also provide a good estimate.
Using Running Watches for Lactate Threshold
Modern running watches offer LT estimates that, while not as accurate as lab tests, are sufficient for training purposes. Just make sure to keep your vital stats updated for the most accurate readings.
📌 Side Note: The 30-Minute Lactate Threshold Test
A simple and effective way to estimate your LT is through the 30-minute test protocol. Read more about how to perform the 30-minute LT test here.
How to Improve Your Lactate Threshold
Improving your LT involves a mix of steady-state runs, tempo runs, interval training, and sweet spot runs. The key is to train at or slightly above your current LT.
Training Plans and Workouts
Consider incorporating the following into your training:
- Steady-state runs at LT pace for 20-30 minutes
- Tempo runs slightly above LT
- Interval training with short bursts at a pace faster than your LT
- Sweet Spot Runs: These are runs done at 88-94% of your LT, which help in LT development without causing excessive fatigue.
Lactate Threshold vs. VO2Max
Both LT and VO2Max are important metrics for runners. While LT is a better indicator of endurance, VO2Max gives you an idea of your aerobic capacity. Understanding and improving both can lead to better running performance.
Lactate Threshold is a critical metric for distance runners. By understanding your LT and how it interacts with your VO2Max, you can tailor your training to achieve optimal results. So, get out there and start pushing those limits!