Where do emotions reside in the body
A Finish study on where human emotions reside in the body included two distinct groups of people subjects in Finland and Taiwan. Respondents were asked to color the body according to how they felt the emotions.
The pictures below represent the body maps for the six basic emotions. Yellow indicates the highest level of activity, followed by red. Black is neutral, while blue and light blue indicate lowered and very low activity, respectively.
Where do emotions reside in the body
A Finish study on where human emotions reside in the body included two distinct groups of people subjects in Finland and Taiwan. Respondents were asked to color the body according to how they felt the emotions.
The pictures below represent the body maps for the six basic emotions. Yellow indicates the highest level of activity, followed by red. Black is neutral, while blue and light blue indicate lowered and very low activity, respectively.

Click to see the full research paper
Connecting with Breath
Breathing can be used to control emotion and improve the connection between body and mind. Read this article for more detail
Practice belly breathing
Start by placing one hand on your upper chest and the other on your navel. Inhale through your nose, filling your belly completely with air. Then begin to bring that air up to your rib cage, continuing all the way to your chest, maybe even to your collar bone. Pause at the top of your breath. Finally, exhale through your nose, reversing the order. Let the air escape your chest, then ribs, then belly. Visual a balloon (your torso) filling up with air and then emptying all the way.